Akeelah goes to Javier’s birthday party and
plays scrabble game with Dylan. Though Dylan wins the game, he still gets
scolded by his father and is asked that he must get the championship on the
Spelling Bee, and Akeelah overhears everything. Dr. Larabee teaches Akeelah to
learn more vocabulary by reading essays, because he thinks that acquiring
vocabulary by rote memorization is useless. Moreover, he tells her that big
words are made of little words, so he teaches her to consume and own the words
by breaking them down into their origins and roots. He also helps her to find
her own way which is jumping rope to remember the words better by keeping time
while learning the words. The day that state bee is held comes, but during the
contest, Akeelah’s mother drags her down from the stage because she is very
angry that Akeelah is lying to her for almost six months. However, Akeelah’s
mother might see how desirable her daughter is about the Spelling Bee, so she
allows Akeelah going back to the contest by doing the double chores for the
next three months. The results is that Akeelah, Javier, Dylan represent the L.A. to the Washington
D.C. On the other hand, Dr.
Larabee gives up coaching her because she reminds her too much of her daughter
Denise, and he makes 5000 flashcards for Akeelah to study on her own. Akeelah
becomes very sad and depressed because Dr. Larabee not coaches her no more, her
best friend is angry at her, and the people in the neighborhood all expect her
to win. But after her mother comforts her with her own experience and tells her
that if she looks around her, she will have "50,000 coaches" which
include her teachers, classmates, friends, all the members in her neighborhood
and even the gangster Derrick T. Akeelah finds out that Dr. Larabee had lost
her daughter and she comes to comfort him and tries to persuade him to
accompany her to Washington D.C. Finally, Dr. Larabee was touched by her word,
and promises to be with her. Eventually, Akeelah and Dylan become the two
finalists of the contest, but Akeelah attempts to loss it by deliberately
misspelling the word. Dylan, knowing that Akeelah deliberately misspelled the
word, intentionally misspells it as well and tells her to do her best and makes
a real competition. At last, they make a miracle that they both win the
International Spelling Bee and they hold up the trophy together.
I love every character in this movie, how
they influence Akeelah, and the process of Akeelah’s change which also makes a
good effect to others. In the beginning, Akeelah lacks of self-confident and
feels isolated that she locks herself in her small world. Her considerate
brother encourages her to do whatever she wants. Then, Dr. Larabee appears. He teaches
Akeelah many things as a father and Akeelah starts to find the value of the
life and the big potential of herself. Therefore, she begins to change. She becomes
more confident, optimistic and brave. This change also influences the people surrounding
her. Firstly, she helps her mother walking out from the grief. Also, the relationship
between Akeelah and her mother become closer and tighter and I also see a great
maternal love of Akeelah's mother. Secondly, she gives her neighbor a hope, an encouragement
and a model that tells everyone do not judge a book by its appearance which
even touches the gangsters. What makes me touching most is the interaction between
Akeelah and Dr. Larabee. She cheers him up again and helps him get back to his
normal life. I think this movie tries to tell us that everyone must not afraid of
showing the best side and fight for the success with hardworking and determination
to make his or her dream come true. Besides, it is necessary to keep a heart filled
with kindness, thankfulness and love. The most important thing is to believe
that everyone has the potential just like the quotation that Dr. Larabee asks
Akeelah to read out loud says, “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. We ask ourselves. Who
am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not
to be? We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. And as
we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do
the same.”
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